Friday, May 15, 2020

A Note from Mrs. R on Graduation Day!

Hello All,
It's Graduation Day! Congratulations Class of 2020! We are so proud of you!
Please tune in tonight to see graduation and our virtual choir video! Many, many, many hours of hard work went into this project from you, Mrs. Walker, Mr. Krawchuk from Culpeper Media, and myself to make this video memorable.  Mr. Krawchuk combined our two county high schools singing "You Will Be Found" and the result is amazing! Please be appreciative of all the hard work that went into producing this momentous song by all involved. I cannot wait to see and hear everyone tonight!!
Again Congrats to our Graduates!!!
Love to all,
Mrs. R

Tune in at 7pm tonight!! Culpeper Media or on the EVHS Website.

Friday, May 1, 2020

Please read- Virtual Choir for graduation and Spring Concert Google Meet

Dear parents, 
Please see the following update for two events taking place in the next week. Please encourage your students to participate and feel free to send me any questions that you may have. It is very important that we continue to work together as a choir and show support to our seniors.  
Thank you for your help in this endeavor.  
Stay well!  
Tiffany Richtarski 

Two exciting events....

1. Virtual Choir - Please encourage your student to record their part of "You Will Be Found" and share it with Mrs. R on Google Drive by Monday, May 4th. These videos will be compiled into one choral video, please see example below.  Students will only be heard by themselves if they are singing one of the senior solos.  All Directions for this video is on Google Classroom. Please have your student email Mrs. R if they have questions. This video will be used for our upcoming virtual graduation.

2. Wednesday, May 6th - This would have been our spring concert day.  I am asking all students, seniors, alumni, and parents to log in. I will be recognizing our choir seniors and then we will end the session with a "River in Judea" sing-a-long. Parents who want to log in need to send Mrs. R an email at and she will invite you to log on.  Please encourage your students to be a part of this event. The login for students will be posted on Google Classroom.