Monday, November 7, 2011

Kohl's Gift Cards


The Eastern View High School Choral Boosters and EVHS choral club executive board has decided to take part in an awesome fundraising opportunity.  We are partnering with Kohl’s Cares for Kids.  We are going to sell Kohl’s gift cards through the choir.  The gift cards may be purchased in increments of $10, $25, $50, and $100.  The cards can be used at any Kohl’s store in the United States.  The gift cards can be used for shopping, gifts, and to pay off your Kohl’s Charge. A percentage of the gift cards will be donated to help an EVHS Choir students participate in many choral events. 

Our first order will be due on will be due on Monday, November 14th, so that we may try to have the gift cards for you over the Thanksgiving Holiday.   If you are planning on shopping at Kohl’s this holiday season, please consider buying a gift card through the choir.

The first order will be taken through Monday, Nov. 14th.  The second order will be taken through Friday, Dec. 2nd. 

We will sell the gift cards for the rest of the school year.  (I will send out dates.)

Please fill out the form below and put the forms in my mailbox or the choir room mailbox with payment.  Checks need to be made out to EVHS Choral Boosters.

Thanks for your continuing support,

Tiffany Richtarski


Ordered what date_________________________________________________________

Kohl’s Fundraising Cards

Denomination                        Quantity                                 Total

$10                              _______                      $_________

                                    $25                              _______                      $_________

                                    $50                              _______                      $_________

                                    $100                            _______                      $_________

                                                                                    Total   $_________

For students only…

___I would like to pick up my students kohl’s cards order.

___I will allow my student to pick up our kohl’s order.

_______________________________________________(parent sign)