Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Announcements for 9-23

***All Students must turn in a contract, medical form, and a photo release form to the choir office... all forms are on the blog..

***Choir fees are due for all classes

Yankee Candle- Due October 4th- please email Mrs. R with any questions.
ACDA- all recordings must be made this week. Please turn in your $30 to the choir office.
Oct. 19th- Yard Sale- please see form if you would like to sign up for a space
Oct. 4th- Powder Puff Football game- we need students to volunteer to help sell spirit items.
October 11th- Homecoming Game- we need students to volunteer to sell spirit items and raffle tickets.  We need a few parent volunteers too. Please email me if you are available.
Nov. 8th- All District Choir tryouts - all choirs - more info to come..