Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Choir Announcements for 4-18

Announcements and updates can be found on www.evhschoirs.org. 

1.  Google Classroom Log in/ Sight Reading Factory- I will be using Google classroom and Sight Reading Factory for students assignments this upcoming semester. All students except Show Choir were given an account to practice Sight Reading on the Sight Reading Factory website at sightreadingfactory.com. Show Choir will receive their accounts this week. For Google Classroom, students will be given the following directions starting on Tuesday, January 17th.

-Please log into the google classrooms that apply to you. Assignments will now be posted on Google Classrooms. You are expected to check google classroom regularly and complete assingments on-time. Grade WILL be given accordingly. Please see Mrs. R with any questions you may have.

Codes 2017

Troubadours   7abaor4

Artistic               77t9mc

Men’s Ac            zy8z0rx

Women’s Ac      srsig3

Show                  t6pitqp

Intro                    ppfmh4

1. Cheesecakes will be delivered on Wednesday, April 19th. You must pick up your cheesecakes this day.

2. We still have 12 seats left for Kings Dominion.  1st come first serve...

3. Kings Dominion- We will leave at 7:45am.  Dress is Jean/khaki school appropriate shorts/capris/pants  with your EVHS Choir shirt.  We will arrive home around 8pm.  Please be on time to pick up your student.

Upcoming Events
1. April 21st- Kings Dominion Competition
2. April 27-29th- All State Choir at VA Tech
3. May 10th- Spring Concert at 7pm
4. May 19th- Graduation - Students need to report to the choir room by 5pm.