Sunday, November 3, 2019

Week of November 4th

Forms and up to date information can be found on the following:
Choir Website:
Charms:      Code: EVHSChoir
Charms direct link to calendar:

-Troubadours do not have rehearsal on Monday. Madrigal Feast rehearsal will take place on Tuesday and Wednesday till 4:30pm. 

-Tomorrow is choir t-shirt day! Please wear your choir t-shirts! 

-Tomorrow is the Annual A cappella Concert! Students need to be in the choir room at 5:45pm.  Their attire is their choir t-shirt and jeans.  

-The Annual A cappella Concert will be on Monday, Nov. 4th at 6:30pm at EVHS.  Choir t-shirts and blue jeans and comfortable shoes are to be worn for this concert.  All students need to turn in their choir fee in order to receive their t-shirt. All Choral students will be given passes to get into the concert free.  The concert is $3 a person at the door.

-Thank you to all parents who volunteered for Nov. 4th and 8th! 

- All students attending Disney
    1. The Second Payment is due Now. Please turn this in. The second payment is $160.
    2. Please sign up for the Google Classroom code  v28x24
The third payment is due Nov. 15th. 

To be clear... The $50 deposit is non refundable. The contract and the parent letter states " Cancellation of this tour by February 25th, will result in a $100 fee per student . " Please take note of Four Seasons' policy. Please see Mrs. R if you have any questions.

-The Madrigal Feast tickets are now on sale. Students will be bringing home order forms or you can purchase tickets online at . The Madrigal Feast tickets include dinner and show and are first come first serve. Tickets are $20 for adults and $15 for students. Show Times are Friday, 12/6 at 6pm and Saturday 12/7 at 1pm and 6pm. 
We have sold 1/3 of these tickets, please get in your order ASAP. 

-Choir Forms and Fees are now overdue. Please turn them in to Mrs. R as soon as possible. Students will not be able to go on the Disney Field trip until all choir fees are paid.

-Artistic Choir and Women's AC- Please make sure you pay for your blue blouse that you need for your formal outfit. The blouse is $26.  Payment is made out to EVHS Choral Boosters. Please bring payment ASAP to the choir room.

-Show Choir- Your earrings are here. Please bring in $3 to purchase your earrings.

-Please turn in your candy sales as soon as they are completed.

-All District Choir Audition Field Trip Choir Forms are due no later than Wednesday, Nov. 6th. Mrs. R will not accept forms past that date.  Please see your Google Classroom and Charms to print out the form. 

-The times for All District Choir Auditions are posted on Google Classroom.  The first group will go over to CCHS around 9:30am and be done at 12:30pm. We will return to EV. The second group will leave around 1:30pm. You will need to be picked up at CCHS after you audition. If you drive and your time allows, you can drive over to CCHS after school is out at 2:15pm to audition and leave after you are done.

-Please let us know if you would like to decorate a wreath to auction off at Madrigal Feast. The wreaths are in the choir room. Please have your student bring the wreath home and give them to the choir room by Wednesday, December 4th.

-The EVHS Choir will have a spirit night at Buffalo Wild Wings on Thursday, Nov. 7th from 4pm to 8pm. Please order and leave your receipt at the door! Thank you for your support! 

-The EVHS Choir has just started our Holiday Fundraiser which includes Scentsy, Mary Kay, Tupperware, and Cheesecake.  All items will be delivered before the Holiday Break. Cheesecakes will be delivered on December 5th and must be picked up that day. Scentsy and Mary Kay may be ordered online (please make sure you identify the student who you are supporting in the comments section) and the cheesecake will be available to purchase on charms shortly.  Please let Mrs. R know if you have any questions and thank you for your support!! 
You can order the cheesecakes here:

-Parents, if you would like to be a chaperone or parent volunteer, please fill out this form. com/VolTrackVA024.nsf