Sunday, October 18, 2020

Week 9


The VMEA Honors Choir Auditions will be taking place virtually.  The cost is $13.25. Your auditions need to be paid for and completed by November 20th. More information to come. 


We will have our second after school rehearsal this upcoming Tuesday from 2:30pm to 4pm.  There will be no rehearsal on Tuesday, October 27th due to a faculty meeting. 

1. You must have a ride to pick you up promptly at 4pm. Mrs. R has class that night so please have your ride pick you up on time. 

2. You must fill out the following from before attending rehearsal if you do not have a signed mitigation plan on file.

Please bring this form to practice with you completely filled out. 

3. You must follow the mitigation plan as set by Culpeper Schools. 

Please email me with any questions. 

Thank you, 

Mrs. R 

 *Mrs. R is having "Live Classes" everyday for all classes during class time. 
Please find the link to log in under the Live Class Link button or the Calendar button on the canvas home page. It is extremely beneficial and highly recommended that students log on to class during their class time. We are changing to zoom this week. Please make sure you log into the right link. 
*We are on week 9 of the first nine weeks. Students, please check PowerSchool and canvas for all missing work. 
**Mrs. R's office hours on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday from 8am to 8:30am will be by e-mail only.  Please email Mrs. R with any questions. 

 * Forms and up to date information can be found on the following: 
 Canvas Home Page Choir Website: Charms: Code: EVHSChoir Charms direct link to calendar: 
Parents may sign up to volunteer through sign up genius or through charms. 
 Please sign up for the choir remind. The details are on the canvas home page.

 * Students are asked to bring headphones to class so that they can continue to practice while other vocal parts are being rehearsed by Mrs. R.

 * The choir fee is $25 per student and is due on September 30th. If you are virtual, please send a check made out to 
EVHS to: Att: Tiffany Richtarski Eastern View High School 
 16332 Cyclone Way 
 Culpeper, VA 22701 

 * For turning in similar assignments for students who are in one or more choirs, please follow these guidelines: 
 - Discussions or Listening Journals- copy and paste your answers in both choirs 
 -For quizzes- complete both quizzes in each choir 
 -Nearpod- Just complete once
 -Singing test- complete once 
 Please see Mrs. R for any other questions. 

 * The EVHS choir is currently selling the official White House Ornament which celebrates the presidency of JFK. The ornaments are $25.
 Ornaments can be ordered here:

 * Parents- Please become a canvas observer Here is a video that explains how to become one.. 

 Please email Mrs. R with any questions you may have. Thanks and GO CYCLONE