Sunday, January 10, 2021

Week 19


Welcome to Week 19! We are making some great progress on our new music!! 

*Choir Classes and attendance....IMPORTANT

We have live choir classes every day. The schedule is as follows: 

9:30- 2nd block

11:20- 3rd block

12:55- 4th block 

You are given a daily participation grade in choir and attendance is taken based on your attendance in LIVE class. You are expected to attend LIVE CLASS. If you are unable to attend LIVE class for any reason, please email Mrs. R, so that I can count you present for the day. You must log into canvas EVERYDAY that you have choir class in order to be counted present. If you do not email Mrs. R when you miss a LIVE class, you may be marked absent.  

*It is testing week and here is the test schedule...  


Reading & Math SOL
1st & 3rd Final Exams / Midterm Exams

History SOL - AM
Science SOL - PM
2nd & 4th Final Exams / Midterm Exams

Cohort C SOL Testing

Reading & Math SOL
1st & 3rd Final Exams / Midterm Exams

End of 2nd Grading Period
History SOL - 
Science SOL - 
2nd & 4th Final Exams / Midterm Exams

*Choir fee- Please turn in your choir fee of $25 so that we can order our 2nd round of t-shirts. All fees need to be turned in by Friday, Feb. 12th 

Congratulations to everyone who tried out for All District Choir! The results should come in soon.