Sunday, December 4, 2022



Welcome December! Thank you to everyone who chaperoned and donated items to make our trip to the Executive Mansion successful! It is Madrigal Feast tech week. We still could use a few more volunteers and donations. Please let us know if you are able to come and help serve the food during the shows for Friday and Saturday! 

Please see the other opportunities below! 

Thank you for all you do! 

Tiffany Richtarski 

*December 5th and December 7th- After School Rehearsal:

 This is required for all students. Students who cannot attend must fill out the Reason for Absence Form.

*Alternate All District Assignment: 

Students who did not audition need to complete the alternative assignment found on Canvas and in Sight Reading Factory. This is due on December 9th, 2022.  

*December 5-8

There will be after school rehearsals for Madrigal Feast this week. Choir students are asked to attend Monday, December 5th and Wednesday, December 7th. Extra Credit will be given to students who attend more rehearsals. Students need to make sure that they have everything that they need ahead of time for this show. 


*Dec. 9/10 Madrigal Feast: 

The Madrigal Feast Invitations and Tickets forms have been sent home. These documents have been uploaded to the EVHS Choir Google Classroom. 

The dates are Friday, December 9th at 6:00 pm and Saturday, December 10th at 12:00 pm and 6:00pm. Tickets are first come, first serve and are $20 each. The tickets include dinner and a show.  The last day to submit a ticket form is Monday, December 5th. Please see the invitation for more details. 

The invitation link:

The ticket form link:

This is a required event for all choir students. Students who are unable to attend a show must fill out a Reason for Absence form on their Google Classroom and Canvas pages and will need to make up the assignment in class. This assignment is now posted in canvas and will need to be submitted by Friday, December 16th. Students call times are Friday at 4:30pm, Saturday at 10:30am. Lunch will be provided between the two shows.

We will need volunteers for this event. Here are the areas needed: 

Supervision of students: Please help supervise students as they prepare for the show. We may need help ironing or sewing too. 

Donation of Water- Water bottles for performers

Donation of hot styrofoam cups- for our wassail- We need 50 cups each

Monetary Donations to fund the meal- If you would rather give funding than donating or making anything, we will gladly accept monetary donations. 

Mac and Cheese- We need 10 pans of Mac and Cheese for each show.

Ticket Check in- Please check in our guest as they enter the court

Dessert donations- We need a variety of desserts to celebrate the season. Cakes, cookies, etc. Please nothing that needs to be refrigerated or frozen. 

Clean up and Set up for the next show-Please help us reset the tables for the next show

Friday link

Saturday afternoon link

Saturday evening link

*Holiday Concert: 

The 2nd and 3rd block choirs will be performing at a joint concert with FTBMS on Thursday, December 15th at EVHS. The concert is free. Student dress is Formal choir dress and call time is 5pm. 

We will need parent volunteers! Parent volunteers will be able to enter the concert free. 

Please sign up at this link:

We need help in the following areas: 

*Pre concert supervision (please be here at 5pm) - Each choir will be assigned a room to warm-up and practice. Parents are needed just to help supervise. This job is actually a lot of fun to do! 

*Concert supervision (Be here at 6pm)- I need parents to sit in the EVHS Choir designated choir student areas to make sure everyone is behaving appropriately. 

*50/50 raffle(Be here at 5:15pm)  - supervise student helpers and help with profit for 50/50 raffle tickets

*Donations needed

  • Water for performers 

  • Snacks for performers 


*Holiday Elementary Concerts Information: 

Second and Third Block Choirs will be performing for the Elementary Schools during 1st and 2nd block. The schedule is as follows.

12/16- Farmington

12/19- A G Richardson

12/20- Pearl Sample

These concerts are required and are a grade. Students who need to test or are missing class work will not be able to attend and will need to make up the grade. Permission slips will be sent home this week.

I will need parent volunteers for these field trips to help chaperone and donate water. Please sign up if you are able to help.

Here are the volunteer links: 

12/16 Farmington:

12/19- A G Richardson :

12/20- Pearl Sample:


Holiday In School Concert: 

The 2nd and 3rd block choirs will be performing a Holiday in school concert on Wednesday, December 21st at 8am. Students are expected to wear school appropriate holiday attire and jeans for this concert. This is required and a grade. Students who are not there must complete the Reason for Absence form and make up the grade either in class or virtually.  I could use a parent volunteer for supervision help at this concert. Please sign up if you can help, 

12/21 In School Concert 8am-

Festival Audition:

More information will come out soon for the Advanced Festival Choir Audition.


*Disney- The2nd payment of $200 is now past due. There are still spaces available. Please see Mrs. R with any questions. 

*The third and final payment is not due till January. 


EVHS Fine Art Choir T-shirt and Sweatshirts:

The t-shirts should be delivered this week. 


White House Ornaments:

We still have a few 2021 and 2022 White House Ornaments left. They are $25 each. Credit will be given to student’s accounts for each item sold. 


Choir Contracts: 

*Choir students- Please turn in your choir contracts. They are now past due and must be filled out completely. You will not be able to participate in any choir field trips until these are turned in.


Choir Fee:

*Choir fee- Students, please turn in your $20 choir fee. This is now past due. Checks may be made out to Eastern View High School. 



Parents and students, please make sure that you are signed up for the EVHS Choir Remind. 

Please text @ev2222 to 81010

That is it and you will receive choir updates! 


Charms Information:

Charms- Every student has now been given a charms account. Charms may be accessed at Our school code is EVHSChoir which is case sensitive. The direct link to charms is Students are able to see their choir financial accounts, sign forms, see uniform numbers, volunteer, purchase certain items and more. 

This is how you log in to charms.... 

  • Log on to, and click “ENTER / LOG IN” in the upper right corner.

  • Locate the “PARENT/STUDENT/MEMBERS LOGIN” section of the web page.

  • Login to your student’s program account using the following School Code:


  • This will bring up the main “Public” page.  This will allow you to look at the “public” calendar for your organization, event list, and handouts and other “publicly shared” files, as well as a few other options.

  • Whenever you enter using this Username/password, another more detailed screen appears, with various button options for you to access areas in the Charms account.  What appears here is partially up to the Account Administrator or Head Director.

  • Two areas in which you can help the director/administrator maintain his/her records:

    • Update Personal Information – if the director has allowed it, you  may help make changes to your and your child’s student information page (such as updating phone numbers / cell carriers and email addresses if they change) to help them communicate with you more effectively. You may also be able to indicate which parent volunteer/resource groups you would like to participate in, if this feature is activated. Click Update Info to save changes. 

    • If your program has set up online credit card payments, you can make credit card payments for items in the online store.

  • The Calendar may list events, rehearsals, and volunteer/RSVP opportunities. Click on calendar, find the date of the event, click on the hand and sign up to donate items or volunteer. 

  • Most importantly, the parent page assists both you and the teacher to communicate with each other.  Stay up to date on what’s going on with your student!

  • You can also download the Charms App to your smartphone – search your App Store for “Charms Parent/Student Portal” (or “Charms Blue”).  It’s the way to stay in touch on the go!  

  • If you or your student is unable to access charms or forgets their password, please send Mrs. R an email and a new link will be sent to you. 

EVHS Choral Booster Membership: 

EVHS Choral Booster Membership- Parents may sign up to volunteer with our Amazing EVHS Choral Boosters. You do not have to pay a fee to join choral boosters. This is a change from our first executive meeting in November 2021 and change to the bylaws. The following special memberships will stay in place. 

Special Memberships 

  1. Platinum Cyclones $75 – 4 Reserved seats for Fall, Winter, and Spring Concerts, 3 concession coupons

  2. Golden Cyclones $50 – 3 Reserved seats for Fall & Spring Concerts, 2 concessions coupons

  3. Silver Cyclones $25– 2 Reserved seats for Fall & Spring Concerts and 2 concession coupons

  4. General Cyclone - $10 – 1 reserved seat for Fall, Winter, and Spring Concert, 2 concessions coupons

Please email Mrs. R if you would like to purchase one of these memberships. 


Other Choir room donations needed: 

The Choir room is in need of tissues.


Upcoming Events: 


Please stay tuned for upcoming holiday dates and events.