Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Choir Policy Reminders and Care of Music 2013-2014


a.      Choir Demands a Team Effort!!

When someone is absent, the tone of the choir changes. Performance is the ultimate goal for a choir! Attendance at after school rehearsals, dress rehearsals, and concerts are mandatory. Your presence is needed for the success of the choir!!!!!!!

b.      Choir is a CURRICULAR activity!!

You are receiving a grade for this class.  Remember that if you miss a rehearsal or a concert, you must notify the choral the director with the Reason for Absence form as soon as possible (preferably Two weeks) prior to an event!!!!

Excused Absences for School and After School Rehearsals

Excused Absences include illness, other school activities approved by the director, family emergencies, and all excused absences mentioned in the EVHS student handbook. All absences must be approved by the director in order to be made up.  Students must turn in a REASON FOR ABSENCE Form as soon as possible (preferably two weeks) prior to an event.  The Reason for Absence Form can be found in the literature rack located next to the library.


Unexcused Absences

1, “I couldn’t find a ride.”

We have a large choir! Some of the members probably live near you. You are given plenty of time to arrange a ride. If you are in a bind, let the director know (not the day of) and we will try to work something out!


2. “I didn’t know we had practice or a concert.”

    Take a look at your choir calendar.  Place it on your fridge.  There is a calendar in the choir classroom to remind you! No Excuses!!

3. “ I forgot”

 We all make mistakes but be responsible!! Constantly forgetting practice is unacceptable. Pay attention and be at practice. 


4. “I have practice” “I have a game”

I love the fact that EVHS choral students are not only represented in Choir but in other activities.  However, Choir is just as important as any activity and it is curricular. If you have a football game and a choir rehearsal, I will be fine with you going to the game. However, You need to fill out A Reason for Absence Form as soon as possible (preferably 2 weeks) prior to the event. However if you have a football practice and a choral concert, you are expected to be at the concert. If you have a game and a choir concert, I will be happy to work something out with your coach. Use the following Chart to make to justify an absence in the case of another school activity… (This is an expectation for all choir, drama, band teachers, coaches and sponsors.)


What you should attend…
Decision of Choral Director and Coach
Decision of Choral Director and Coach


5. “I had to work…”

I realize many students have an after school job. School does come first!  Please give a copy of your after school rehearsals to your employer.  If there is a problem, please fill out a reason for absence as soon as possible (preferably two weeks) prior to the event.  I will be happy to speak to your employer if necessary.  

6. “I had to leave early because…”

If you need to leave early, please fill out a reason for absence form as soon as possible (preferably two weeks) prior to the event. Students who leave early without permission will have their grade docked.

Issues of Respect

The internet, live journals, my-space, face book, twitter, and other miscellaneous postings are very popular with the youth of our society. I respect your right of Freedom of

Speech, which is outlined in the 1st amendment of our Bill of Rights. Please remember

when that document was signed and active,  it was with the ideals of personal

responsibility and respect for others. You do have the right to write your feelings,

thoughts, and opinions but you will be held responsible for the impact your statements have on other choir members and on the choir as a whole.  Please know that I am available and willing to discuss your concerns privately.  If you do not feel you can discuss an issue with me, an administrator or guidance counselor will gladly listen to your concern.  You are expected to address concerns in a professional manner that improve, rather than harm the working atmosphere of the choir.  MySpace, Facebook, Twitter, etc. comments can often be taken out of context and have a negative effect. 


Excel in All Performance Opportunities

1.    Work hard each day to be prepared musically and physically.

2.    Take all rehearsals and performances seriously and give 100%.

3.    Arrange your transportation ahead of time!

4.    Encourage parents/guardians, friends, principals and teachers to attend concerts.

5.    Attend all full and sectional rehearsals.

6.    Take care of your voice.


Maximize Your Talent

1.    Work hard each day to improve and form good singing habits.

2.    Stand like a real singer. Listen like a real singer.

3.    Work outside of class on the music.

4.    Apply previously learned material to each rehearsal or performance.

5.    Listen and use your pencil to mark your music.

6.    Improve your sight-reading skills individually and as an ensemble.

7.    Sing with expression and sensitivity.

8.    Have a desire to be great: never be satisfied with low quality!!


Present a Positive Image of our CHOIR to the Community, School, Peers

1.    Show your Cyclone Choir pride! Walk like a real singer! Talk like a real singer!

2.    Invite people to our concerts. Tell them what we are learning to do. SPREAD THE GOOD WORD ABOUT EVHS Choir!!   Be competitive but appreciate  and encourage the abilities of others.

4.    Pay attention while other choirs are performing their songs.


Keep a Positive Attitude Throughout the Year

1.    Always look ahead and see the desired goals we are working toward.  KEEP THE VISION IN FRONT OF YOU.

2.    Don’t let personalities get in the way of our unified effort. Work together to move forward and make progress!!

3.    Encourage each other in positive ways. Help each other.

4. Be Flexible- Be Ready for the unexpected, it will happen!!!

5.    Always honor each other and the members of all choirs.

6.    If you don’t get it right the first time, keep trying over and over and over again. Success means you never stop trying..never!!!




Students are responsible for all music that they are assigned. Any needed markings should be done in pencil only. Any damage to the music or loss of music will result in a replacement fee to the student of $2.00 per copy. Music should be kept in the student's binder and in a safe place at all times. A music contract will be kept in the choir room and a copy will be given to students listing your assigned music.