Sunday, October 13, 2019

Week of 10-14-19

-Choir Forms and Fees are now overdue. Please turn them in to Mrs. R as soon as possible. Students will not be able to go on the Disney Field trip until all choir fees are paid.

- Thank you to everyone who volunteered last week for the Spirit Night and for the Football Game.

-Please turn in your candy sale by the end of the next week.

-Troubadours and Show Choir- please turn in your field trip forms for Oct. 29th.  Mrs. R must have a list of who is attending by next Friday to the nurse. Mrs. R will NOT except forms on Oct. 29th.

-Troubadours will have a rehearsal on Monday till 3:30pm. Students may stay with Mr. Ballard and the drama rehearsal if they need to stay till 4pm. Thank you for your understanding.

-October 15th- 2nd payment is due for Disney $160

-There will be a Choir Booster Meeting on Tuesday, October 29th, 2019 at 6:30pm.

-The Annual A cappella Concert will be on Monday, Nov. 4th at 6:30pm at EVHS.  Choir t-shirts and blue jeans and comfortable shoes are to be worn for this concert.  All students need to turn in their choir fee in order to receive their t-shirt.

-We need volunteers for November 4th.  The volunteer sheet will be set up on charms this week.

-Please let us know if you would like to decorate a wreath to auction off at Madrigal Feast.

-Madrigal Feast tickets should go on sale by the end of the week.

-All District Choir permission slips will be sent home soon. Please be on the look out for those.

-The EVHS Band will have a spirit night on October 28th at Chipotle from 4pm to 8pm.  Please come out and support our band!!